Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chambersburg Little League 1973

Chambersburg Little League 1973
I do not know who is in the picture but maybe my readers
might know. Baseball was part of Burg life even if you
were not in any organized league in summers long ago.

1 comment:

Ralph Lucarella said...

Hi Mack: I did'nt know anyone in the photo but I will comment about my dear friend Tony Frascella who was president of the Chambwersburg Litle League for years. He looked after all the details and even sold hot dogs at the stand by home plate. He also was manager of the State Highway team in the Industrial Baseball League of Trenton. He and his Wife Kate lived on Elmer St.,where Kate lived all her life. May God bless them and may they live in peace. Regards, Ralph