Monday, March 16, 2009

201 Hamilton Avenue, The Burg

201 Hamilton Avenue, The Burg.
Once upon a time this was Salvatore's Drug Store:)


SJBill said...

This Pharmacy had all the big decanters full of colored water, back in the day.

Marolda Clinical Labs was in the low profile brick building to the left of Salvatore's.

Anonymous said...

SJBill...I remember those big decanters of colored water...they were really COOL, when I was a kid.

Noel said...

Wasn't this Lanza's? They had a soda fountain counter and you could get vanilla cokes in those paper cone cups...

Mack said...

Lanza's was 379 Hamilton:)
There is a pic of that on here.
Use search blog at the top of opening page and write in
