Sunday, March 1, 2009

1024 Lamberton Street, South Trenton

1024 Lamberton Street, South Trenton.
Once upon a time this was The Metropolis Brewery of
New Jersey. Nicholas Krupa Boat Builders was nearby:)


SJBill said...

Nick the older was really very good with building hydroplanes of his own design. He never participated in organized racing, but was very happy to go down the river at 50 - 70 mph for an evening spin after a day's work in his boatyard.

Nick the younger served on the Trenton Police Department. Pretty sure he didn't follow in the footsteps of his father.

Nice folks.

Mack said...

My Aunt Rose is a Krupa related
to these Krupas:)

Anonymous said...

We never had boats...but our "submarines" parked on Lamberton St traveled at least 70 MPH, right Sax.

Saxman said...

Hey BarbP.....70mph too fast! 'Burg guys travelled "slow and easy"...more fun getting to the destination!! I thought the subs where in the Delaware...think I actually saw one once...even gave it away to my date..with a star named especially for her!

Anonymous said...

Sax...I thought I saw a sub too, but it may have been a bunch of seals traveling up the river...or maybe I was wrong, the windows were steamed up, hard to see out.

Saxman said...

Yeah, all that steamed-up window stuff drew many taps from some Trenton cops night stick...!