Thursday, February 26, 2009

Supermarket, Lalor Street, South Trenton

A Supermarket on Lalor Street in South Trenton.
I think this was once an Acme:)


Anonymous said...

I remember my grandmother walking to the Acme once a week from Home Ave. As she got older, I drove her there. The store was an Acme. I always like the A&P on Beatty St. also.

Anonymous said...

Joe Z...I agree, the A&P on Beatty was great, so was Risoldi's on Liberty..a "supermarket" right down the street. Remember Joe Z, it was the ACaME.

Anonymous said...

Barb, I remember walking over to Risoldi's when we lived on Revere, just about everyday for something or another. Do you remember that little store on the corner of Reverve and Liberty, I think it was a candy store once, then a linen store, then they had voting there. Wonder what it is now.

Saxman said...

Great memories of this market from as early as 10 years ago...when my mom lived in the senior apartments that where once Stokely Van Camp. When I visited her we would walk over to the market, across the new highway thanks to the crossing-guard, then shop and stop at the little Dunkin' Dougnuts in the shopping center. Would meet Pass' aunt and uncle there many times and invite them over to DD's for a cup of coffee...they where great people and they shared a link to my past..playing in groups with their son Louie...and also, yes...their nephew Tommy Passerella a/k/a as Pass...two great accordion, cordovox masters!!!

Tom Pass said...


Thanks for shout out. Sold the "accordeen" in late 60's and have since played B3. Lou's Mom recently passed but she liked the Senior Apartments. Lou has sadly also passed away.

Saxman said...

..and Harry, too! Bless them all. I have fond memories of them all..and you..from our "young-one" days!


I'm going to see Richie this coming Sunday here in NH...

Tom Pass said...


Please give Richie my kindest regards. The last gig I worked with him was with tenor great, Turk Mauro.

SJBill said...

I loved listening to the B3 -- a great axe and the first pure synthesizer.

OTOH, carrying the beast up a flight of stairs to some NYC clubs was a royal pain. ;-)

Best to Richie C. He's had a great run over the decades.

I recall a gig of Richie's at the back end of Princeton's Rusty Scupper, in the 70s. He had Dotty Dodgion on drums, Rosalinda on kbds -- it may have been a near all female back-up section.

Saxman, do you have a website that says "Anytime, anywhere"?

Tom Pass said...


I do not take the Hammond out anymore. Too old and too tired of doing exactly what you referred to in carrying up steps, over bars, etc. I have a good sounding board with drawbars that comes very close but will never be equal to the beast!