Saturday, February 21, 2009

1027 South Clinton Avenue , The Burg

1027 South Clinton Avenue, The Burg.
In my Burg day this was Haddon Hall Furniture.
But it was also once Liederkranz Halle.
The German American Society:)


SJBill said...

I *must* be smoking the drapes too much, as I thought for sure this was a cigar factory before it became the furniture place. It was soooo damned long ago, I might be wrong.

I remember guys wrapping cigars and smelling the tobacco -- it was a great smell!

My best friend, Gary Allison, lived two doors away, next to the vacant lot. That lot had garages at the back by Haggerty Alley. We painted a strike zone on the wall.
There was a billboard adjacent to Major Jakob's house on the other side of the lot.

I myself broke a side window of Haddon Hall with either a baseball or a rock, but it wasn't a social club at the time. THe window was adjacent to a second floor fire escape near the alley.

On the other side of Haddon Hall, I think there was the Red Men's Lodge for the Uncas Tribe.

Mack said...

Hi Bill:)
This may well have been a cigar
place. I have it as Haddon Hall in
1957 but maybe it was a cigar place
after the German American Society
left and before it was a Furniture
place. There must be a good reason
why you think it was a cigar place.
You may be right:)

George Allison: 1023 S Clinton
Michael Jacob 1013 S Clinton
Red Mans Lodge 1037 S Clinton :)

Tom Pass said...

Did Mr Jacob have a daughther, Susan?

SJBill said...


Can't recall if Major Jacob had a sister. Possible, but not sure.

Q. Did you play for the 9th grade graduation of Junior 4 in about 1960?


Saxman said...

Pass...I remember Sue Jacobs..very distinct fingers. she lived at the house adjacent to the lot. Wasn't there a firehouse on that block..or am I spacing out?? We went to Harrison and Jr #4 together..always had a bunch of us over her house..Pat Barlow,Barbara Simpson and her older sis Carol..who I "feel in love with" after playing spin the bottle with her at Sue's house.

SJBill said...

The firehouse was halfway from the lot to the corner. Was that the "Old Anchor Inn" kitty-corner to the C'Burg Community House?

I vaguely remember Sue, who was a cuppla years older.

If I saw all your old Harrison class pics, I probably knew you all.